Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Business doesnt have to be boring.

Okay so I am a huge fan of this website called its basically a giant compilation of cool things they've found on the internet... basically it saves me some time from having to louis & clark it up and also leads me to even newer (to me) and exciting (to me) websites!!! Check Photojojo out! If you're artsyfartsy like me, you'll love it.

Anyway... I get Photojojo's newsletters about once a week and recently I received one that happened to be awesome AND relevant (to me)! It's all about cool business cards! You don't have to have boring, white, 2"x1" business cards... Why not show the REAL you!? (this is relevant to me because today is my "sit down and apply to marketing jobs day.")

CLICK HERE to check out some examples and get inspired!

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