What initially caught my attention to even click on the link to her video was the title "What's on My Mind- Economic Crisis"
Although I haven't really been directly affected by the economy yet, (I came {THIS} close though), that is all that seems to be on the news and on people's minds. And I'm aboutu to get a HUGE, GINORMOUS dose of reality. As a girl who is supposed to graduate and enter the real world very very soon, I am legitimately terrified that I will take my double degrees (markeitng and art) and go don the classic red and khaki attire as I stock shelves at Target. Don't get me wrong... LOVE LOVE LOVE that store and would LOVE LOVE LOVE to work for them but... at the headquarters. Unfortunately, it's located in Minnesota. I've lived in MN and MAN does it get cold. Anyway, my [use your imagination here] of a professor, who takes up an entire class period giving us "advice" (aka telling us how smart he is- talking AT US), told us that he bets that only 40% of graduates will have a job. FORTY. that's like.. failing in terms of grades... thats like.... DEVISTATING in terms of life. I need a job. And, although I will look for my "dreamjob" (whatever that is...) I am aware that, in this economy, "beggars can't be choosers"- and college grads have become the "beggars."
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