a) We are Flexible
Recent grads or soon to be grads are usually (and if they're smart) open to "relocating." They don't have to worry about things like what school district their kids will be in which also cuts out on the distance of their commute. College grads can live in that crappy, over priced one room apartment on the 10th floor. Try doing that with a dog, a few kids, and all their crap.
b) We are Cheap
Yes, college grads don't have the experience- this has been made very clear. Because of this, however, we will ask for, and get paid, way less $$ than people who have been in the real world longer. We also have the excitement of actually being in the real world (and, ideally, in our field). So not only are we cheap, but we're enthusiastic, ready to learn, and eager to please. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS!
c) We are Technologically Saavy
Every college kid I know has at least two email accoutns and two social networking accounts. This generation probably spends more face time with their computer than actually people! I admit, I've "IMed" my room mate on (more than) a few occasions. We can find out pretty much anything (what a word means, where the closest drycleaner is, how to get to Kansas the most efficient way, and Nancy Jacobson's (totally made up name) phone number) all in a matter of seconds. We have the knowlege (or can gain it in a matter of seconds) and we KNOW how to use it. We are CONNECTED.
d) We are Quick Learners
Not only do we have the intuitive knowledge about computers and the internet that people even just a few years older simply do not have, we are not afraid to jump into something and TRY IT. In fact, we often teach ourselves. An example of this in my own life is seen with this database system my work has. It has been with us for a little less than two years and, in that time, I have taught myself how to do everything from data entry to pulling financial reports. I 'm not giong to deny calling up the customer service people for more help on complex tasks, but I would say that about 95% of what I know has been self-taught. Technology requires you to get your feet wet! You can have the worlds most expert on computers come in and tell you how to do something but... it's like telling someone how to drive. It will do you no good til you get behind the wheel yourself... and maybe make a few mistakes (although messing up on the computer will most likely NOT put someone's life at risk). Older generations are scared of jumping into a computer because they are afraid they will mess things up.
And that's the difference between older generations and the one graduating right now.
In summary, recent or soon-to-be graduates are flexible, cheap (and eager), connected, and computer saavy. Sounds Like A Good Hire If You Ask Me.
1 comment:
You're amazing. And I agree. With everything. 100%. You smarty pants, you.
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