Monday, September 7, 2009

Master a Marathon

I have recently decided that I want to run a marathon before I die -or at least... PARTICIPATE in one (maybe a little running/jogging/walking/crawling).

I chose today to highlight this particular bucket list item because, unfortunately, I was informed last night that Erik Wellumson, one of my acquaintences, classmates, brothers in Alpha Kappa Psi, actually passed away while running a half marathon- the Rock'N'Roll Marathon- in Virginia Beach yesterday morning. The whole thing is so shocking- he was a young, super nice, good looking guy who was a GREAT athlete- I'm talkin' quarterback of the football team his freshman year in college. And he had suffered a HEART ATTACK! How is that even fair?

Anyway, in order to run in a marathon, you obviously can't just- run it that day with no prior exercise, training & etc. has some great articles about how to train for a marathon. Not only should you (and I) probably follow these directions, but perhaps seek the advice of a professional (whether it's a doctor or maybe a very experienced marathon-er). Also... train with a buddy! That way you can encourage eachother and run together/celebrate come time for the marathon!

To find marathons near you, visit
Good running/jogging/walking/crawling! xo


Anonymous said...

wow Emily what an awesome goal! That is really sad about the heart attack! Ugh stuff like that makes me really sad/angry

Unknown said...

Hi Emily,

Next year we are doing the rock n roll marathon in honor of Erik. Please let me know if you want to participate in it.

Emily said...

Karla, I would love to participate!