Friday, March 13, 2009

Most Random Post of My Life

So.... Here are some very random things that I am going to share with you. Just because they are awesome!

First, check out this link. Popular songs made completely out of video game sounds!! Someone had a little too much time on their hands but... oh well. It's still cool.

Then, there's THIS video (also seen below). It's a picture of a girl everyday for THREE YEARS! Such a cool experiment. Makes me want to do it except... how did she get her head in the very same spot everyday!? That's true talent right there (and she did her own little mini makeover through the years! You Go Girl!).

Finally, this video was pretty funny. And although I don't think that my generation is IDIOTIC, I do think that people, in general, take WAY too much technology for granted, myself included. I mean, I'm communicating to whoever will listen all around the world RIGHT THIS MOMENT! AND you're watching videos from TV from a few weeks ago! It's AMAZING! (I love the part about flights... because you know that's so true. everyone bitches about traveling but really its real-life science! and you're taking part!)

That is all. Just had to share my latest and greatest random findings.
Oh. And here's an FMyLife (NOT MY fml. just some poor soul's fml.) 

And if you still haven't checked that site ( out, you should consider it. Because you thought YOU were having a bad day...

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