Sunday, September 21, 2008

F My Life.

Okay so maybe not MY life persay... but I just discovered this website... its pretty much the funniest, most messed up website. People merely post reasons why their life sucks. for instance:

"Today, I walked past a girl in the cafeteria and she threw up. Naturally, a crowd was drawn. Her friend asked her what was wrong. She pointed at me and said, "Get him away from me!" I had never met this girl. FML"


"Today, I was looking down at my paper in class and my spanish teacher asked if I was sleeping or not. I'm Asian. My eyes were open. FML"


You almost feel bad reading them and laughing at them but... I would bet you money that you will laugh. A lot. The site is genious. and kinda reminds me of a "Twitter." I guess it's just the way that it is set up. 

But check it out. It will at least give you something to do during those clock-stopping hours after lunch.

1 comment:

Laura P said...

This one's great... I love these!!!

Today, before a big formal banquet, I went tanning because I wanted to look good in my cocktail dress. I got out of the tanning bed only to realize that I had left my socks on. FML